RI MA forensic evaluations youth

Juvenile Forensic Mental Health Evaluations, Competency Restoration, and Training

The SUCCESS Clinical Research Collaborative is compromised of dedicated forensic psychologists with expertise in conducting forensic evaluations with children and families involved with the juvenile legal and child welfare systems. Our independent forensic psychologists are licensed in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Their expertise comes from specialized graduate training, postdoctoral fellowships in forensic psychology, and several years of experience. All services listed below can be provided in-person or virtually.

We have expertise in conducting the following forensic evaluations:

  • Competence to stand trial

  • Forensic mental health treatment and intervention including trauma-informed evaluations

  • Treatment amenability

  • Substance use level of care

  • Competence to waive Miranda Rights

  • Risk Assessment

    • General recidivism risk

    • Violence risk

    • Sexual risk

  • Problem Sexual Behavior

  • Juvenile waiver or mitigation evaluations

We are also available for juvenile competency remediation.

Forensic experts are available to provide expert consultation and training in a variety of topics on the intersection of psychology and the law including juvenile forensic assessments, suicide prevention, substance use, and trauma.

Please use the Contact Us link below to learn more about our availability.

RI forensic evaluations training suicide prevention