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Massachusetts and Rhode Island

Dr. Kemp also provides consultsation work through NYSAP and Policy Research Associates, Inc. For more information about their important work, please visit the following websites:

  • National Youth Screening & Assessment Partners (NYSAP)

    The National Youth Screening & Assessment Partners (NYSAP) is a technical assistance and research group, dedicated to helping juvenile justice programs identify youths’ needs for behavioral health intervention and risk management.

    NYSAP has been working with juvenile justice programs nationwide since 2000. We provide training and implementation technical assistance services to agencies and programs in the areas of risk screening and risk-needs assessment, behavioral health screening (including traumatic events and symptoms), and juveniles’ competence to stand trial evaluations. We also provide many other trainings for various stakeholder groups.

  • Systems Mapping Center at Policy Research Associates

    What Is Sequential Intercept Model Mapping Workshop?

    Systems mapping is a collaborative process that produces data-driven systems change using a public health model. Across every system, there are stakeholders working towards a common goal. Their aim might be reducing homelessness, diverting individuals with behavioral health needs away from the justice system, or keeping kids at home and in school and out of the juvenile justice system. But these systems are complex, and there is usually limited collaboration between people who work in them on the county, state, and federal levels. This leads to system fragmentation, duplication of efforts, and gaps in resources.

    Through a systems mapping event, participants come together to create a map of their local networks. The map identifies existing resources, highlighting areas of need and opportunities for partnership. When agencies and institutions have a complete picture of how they interact with one another, they can work together to center their focus and efforts on the people they serve.